Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adventure 3!

Site 1
The ground was soggy, maybe because of the water close by. There was a trench of water shown in the photo. It was cold outside, a crisp cold.
Site 2
Next, we ventured to the pond. Weeds surrounded the open area, and trees framed the far side. The water was calm, but had visible signs of life along the edges. Such as evidence of tracks or indents in the dying plants left by wildlife.
Site 3
Another area of the pond, the dying plantlife is more abundant. Ducks were spotted along the opposite side of the pond.

Site 4
This area is open with a few trees. Both of the trees pictured had a green-blue moss/growth on them.
Each tree was large, and the second had a hole and its branches were spread.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plankton Observations

This is an image of zooplankton. It was discovered in the pond adjacent to the bus garage. It is a tiny animal squirming around. Also known as zooplankton.

This is a worm, that is actually very small. Although it appears very large.
It is Zooplankton. It is a worm so it is Meroplankton.

This is phytoplankton. It was found in the same pond near our local bus garage. It reminds me of the shape of the continent; Africa. It is Algae.

This is sand from Star Beach in Japan. It is skeletons of dead zooplankton; forams. It looks like small starfish or small turle shells.